201820172016201520142013 2012 2011
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At the IDS, Lithuania, Vilniu
«Международная выставка собак» CAC (Латвия, Вильнюс)
Al Nafiseh GHAShmira (Siuzi) (Junior class) - ex.1, JW under the judge SAIJA JUUTILAINEN (Finland)
At the NDS, Lithuania, Kedaini
«Национальная выставка собак» CAC (Латвия)
Al Nafiseh GHAShmira (uppy class) - very promising, BEST Puppy in compare!!!!! Judge in the ring Igoris Zizevskis, Lithuania
At the NDS, Lithuania, Kedaini
«Национальная выставка собак» CAC (Латвия)
AL NAFISEH FAIZUL ANWAR (Crowned Head Il Bahara & Al Nafiseh Caleela). Owner: Komarov A.V.
- CW, CAC, Чемпион РКФ, BOB under the judge Juan Naveda Carrero (Spain ) at the NDS in Moscow (Всероссийская выставка собак всех пород ранга САС, ЧРКФ ( РФЛС) Кинологический клуб "ДЕЛЬТА-ПАЛ")
- CW, КЧК under the judge Stephen Wheeler (Spain) at the Specialty Dog Show in Moscow !!! (Монопородная выставка ранга "Победитель клуба")
We've got one more training
Al Nafiseh Ghaaliya "Muska" (Sirhan Kamal Kayman al Khayif & Al Nafiseh Bint-Helwa). Photo by Ольга Евграфова (Olga Evgrafova)
International All-breed Dog Show "Russia-2018"
(Moscow, Russia)
Multi CH. Al Nafiseh Da'im (Champion class) - cw, CAC, CACIB, BOB Breed judge Claudio De Giuliani.
Al Nafiseh FAIRUZA - ex-2, r.cac and r.cac, r.Cacib
Al Nafiseh GHAALIYA - BEST Puppy on both days
Al Nafiseh GULSANA - very promising - 2
Da'im's daughter - Onaifa Al Nafiseh - ex-2, r. j.cac on both days
Al Nafiseh Da'im (Champion class) - cw, CAC, CACIB, BOB Breed judge Claudio De Giuliani.
Al Nafiseh FAIRUZA - ex-2, r.cac and r.cac, r.Cacib
Al Nafiseh GHAALIYA - BEST Puppy on both days
Onaifa Al Nafiseh - ex-2, r. j.cac on both days
Daim's children (9 months old) in Salgrey's kennel...left to right:
Omid -latif, Odaliska, DA'IM, Odetta, Onaifa Al Nafiseh
photo by Полина Путилова
At the NDS in Poland, Piaseczno
«Национальная выставка собак» CAC (Польша)
And "Our" wonderful "Gasha" did a great job in show <3 <3
Al Nafiseh GHASSEDAK - VP1 BOB PUPPY & Final Bis Puppy !!!
Thank you to the Judge Zafra Sirik
Congratulations to her owner & co-owner - Gosia Bialoglowy & Joanna Scibor. And many thanks to her handler: Kinga Iwaniuk
"EURO DOG SHOW 2018" in Poland
Our beautiful PUPPIES:
Al Nafiseh Ghassedak - very promising, I, European Future, Best Puppy, BIS PUPPY - I place
Al Nafiseh Ghaaliya - very promising, II
Salgrey's Onaifa Al Nafiseh - very promising, IV
Al Nafiseh Fairuza (Intermediate Class) - excellent, III
Al Nafiseh Daim (Champion Class) - excellent
Thank you very much for video and photos Erikas Norkus & Vaiva jurate velickaite
Results - Europian Dog Show https:// www.eurodogshow2018.pl/en/ results-eds/ ?fbclid=IwAR3A7Li84ewbIHjuT q2-cV4m9Gdy_1XRM_RKlK4QKLJ _15DzNt_Hzk-4GcE
Congratulations to her owner & co-owner - Gosia Bialoglowy & Joanna Scibor. And many thanks to her handler: Kinga Iwaniuk
Ghassedak - BIS PUPPY !!!
(from left to right: Ghassedak, Ghaaliya, Onaifa Al Nafiseh)
Russian LC Championship
(Moscow Region, Russia)
«Кубок России» CACL по курсингу (2018)
г.Тула, д. Хрущево
AL NAFISEH FAIRUZA (класс юниоров) - 1 place
AL Nafiseh Eifa (стандартный класс) - 1 place ' Победитель кубка России !!!
AL Nafiseh Eleeza (стандартный класс) - 2 place
«International Dog Show», Tallinn, Estonia
A new C.I.B.*
Международный чемпион!!!
C.I.B * FI, EE, LV, LT, BALT CH Al Nafiseh Daulat "Tauno" - BOB, CACIB, GROUP 1 under the Judge Inga Siil (Est). Over the moon happy and so proud of this very special and kind boy!
Tauno was handled to perfection by Janette Jalkanen.
«At the National Dog Show», Zabrze, Poland
Al Nafiseh GHASSEDAK - Best Puppy in breed & BIS PUPPY - 4
Congratulations to her owner & co-owner - Gosia Bialoglowy & Joanna Scibor. And many thanks to her handler: Kinga Iwaniuk
«Sighthound Club show !» in Poland
Al Nafiseh GHASSEDAK - VP1 BOB Puppy under the judge Peter Mazura. Big Congrats to her co-owner & owner Joanna Sciborand and Gosia Bialoglowy. And thank you very much to her handler: Kinga Iwaniuk
Russian LC Championship
(Moscow Region, Russia)
«Чемпионат РКФ» по курсингу
Московская область, г.Балашиха, совхоз Новым милет
Al Nafiseh Faizul Anwar (junior class) - 1 place
AL NAFISEH FAIRUZA (junior class) - 2 place
AL Nafiseh Eifa (стандартный класс) - 3 place
Faizul & Fairuza
At the National Dog Show, Moscow
Under the judging Elizbeta Chwalibog
Всероссийская выставка ранга САС, Чемпион РКФ, ООО ЭЛИТА (Москва)
AL NAFISEH FAIZUL ANWAR (Intermadia class) - CW, CAC, Лучший кобель, Чемпион РКФ
Da'im's (Al Nafiseh Da'im) daughter has done a good job on her first Dogshow.
Salgrey's ONAIFA AL NAFISEH, 7 months old - BIS PUPPY-3
(Onaifa - BIS Puppy-3)
(on the left: Fairaza, BIG 3 and on the right: Farrooh, BOS)
(Faizul Anwar - cac)
Donaueschingen Sighthound Festival (2018) result:
Al Nafiseh Ghassedak (Sirhan Kamal Kayman Al Khayif & Al Nafiseh Bint -Helwa) - 2*BOS, 2*Best Bitch Baby!!!! Huge congratsto her owner!!! Gosia Bialoglowy !!! Many thanks to our handler: Konga Kinga Iwaniuk
at the International LС Championship,
Al Nafiseh Eleeza (Al Nafiseh Da'im & Balasaan Al Naqawa)
1 place & CACIL !!! |
at the International Lure-Сoursing,
St. Petersburg
Judges: Berit Heinonen (FIN) & Irina Kozlova (RUS)
900 m
Al Nafiseh Eifa (Al Nafiseh Da'im & Balasaan Al Naqawa)
1 place & CACIL !!! |
At the IDS in Russia "Eurasia-2018. The RKF president's Cup"
My gratitude to the judges for appreciating their quality:
1 Day - Rainer Jacobs (Germany)
2 Day - Espen Engh (Norway)
Al Nafiseh DA'IM (Champion class) was 2x BOS, 2xCACIB, 2x BEST MALE, ch Eurasia, ch RKF!!!
Al Nafiseh Fairuza (Junior class) - ex-2, r.CAC (on both days)
on the Specialty Dog Show in Moscow !!!
He has done it again - Al Nafiseh Daim - BEST of Breed and Champion of National club
And our little girl - Al Nafiseh Fairuza - BEST Junior & Junior Champion of National club!!!
We're very happy and proud of our saluki - Daim & Fairuza!!! And my gratitude to Gabriela Veiga (Portugal) for appreciating their quality!
At the National (CAC) Lure-Coursing Championship,
my beloved girl Al Nafiseh Eifa - 1 place, ch.RKF
At the IDS, Ekaterinburg
At the International Dog Show in Ekaterinburg "Мистер Пёс" - Al Nafiseh Fareed (junior class) - CW, CAC, RKF Ch., BOS !!! under Judge, Rafael De Santiago !!!
A New Russian Junior Champion!!!
Юный Чемпион России!
At the IDS, Malmo, Sweden
DKch SEch Al Nafiseh Daw Al Shams was BEST OF BREED and GROUP-3
Международный Чемпион!
At the 4х NDS, Moscow
At the National Dog Show, Moscow - Al Nafiseh Faizul Anwar (Junior class) - 2хJCAC, 2хBest Junior, 2хBOB under judges Ostrovskaya & Chaikovskaya (Russia). And JCAC, 2x Best Junior under judges Filatova & Brovkina (Russia)
Хендлер: Светлана Латышева
A New Russian Junior Champion!!!
Юный Чемпион России!
Russian LC Championship
(Moscow Region, Russia)
Национальный Чемпионат по курсингу "Мартовский заяц" 2018 с присуждением титула «Чемпион РКФ». Московская область, Сергиево-Пасадский р-н (СПРОО ЛС "Элита")
Судья – Козлова И.В. ( САСL)
Судья – Видус Г.С. (CACL)
junior class
1) AL NAFISEH FAIRUZA (Crowned Head Il Bahara & Al Nafiseh Caleela) - 1 PLACE ( 177+181=358 points)
The BEST JUNIOR! & The Best result of the day!!!
standart class
1) AL NAFISEH EIFA (Balasaan Al Naqawa & Al Nafiseh Da'im) - 1 PLACE & "ЧЕМПИОН РКФ" ( 178+179=357 points)
AL NAFISEH CALEELA (Baqqam Al Naqawa & Imran Adiva Al Sahra) - (151+168=319 points)
Dogs: standart class
1) AL NAFISEH DA'IM (Auroras Wolk With Way & Basarat Karim Baysan Amadin) - 1 PLACE & "ЧЕМПИОН РКФ" ( 177+180=357 points)
2) AL NAFISEH CARAM AL QALB (Baqqam Al Naqawa & Imran Adiva Al Sahra) - 2 place, CACL ( 173+180=353 points))